In December 2016, France’s anti-corruption legislation, The Law on Transparency: The Fight Against Corruption and Modernization of Economic Life, more commonly known as “Sapin II”, became law. With this new legislation, France has brought their anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies to the forefront. This legislation will require French and multinational organizations operating in France to develop or enhance existing anti-bribery programs to meet the expectations of the new Agence Française Anticorruption (AFA).

How broad is the scope of the new law? To what extent will the new legislation impact organizations already operating in France? Expanding into France? What will be the requirements of these new laws? Download “Sapin II: A New Era in France’s Approach to Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption” to discover the answers to these questions and to find out how Steele can help you and your organization navigate the constantly changing European compliance landscape.