Steele Compliance Solutions, Inc. and Compliance Week recently partnered to produce a detailed Benchmarking Report highlighting the primary mechanisms companies are using to manage their anti-bribery and corruption programs.
The process of creating an effective compliance program requires that company executives understand how the company operates across its business units, regions, and subsidiaries, how it utilizes third parties, and the risks associated with each type of third-party relationship. Each company has a different appetite for risk based on its industry, size, and the countries in which it operates. Therefore, no two compliance programs will be identical. The purpose of the survey was to provide the industry with a benchmarking overview of the types of risk mitigation strategies companies are currently using and how they are monitored, assessed, and revised over time.
Tony Charles, Chief Client Officer with Steele and Kristy Grant-Hart from Spark Compliance provide their take on the results of the survey on a webinar that aired on September 13, 2017. View the webinar to hear some surprising takeaways we uncovered, as well as best practices for companies looking to benchmark your own program.
Webinar Recording
To watch the webinar, please fill out the form below.